“Maybe This Time” is a poignant comedy about four blind dates. Besides hearing the daters trying to impress each other, you'll also hear their brains tell us what they’re really thinking but not saying. The play will make you laugh and make you think.
PURCHASE TICKETS (tickets may be purchased at venue on day of show)
https://maybethistimemm.brownpapertickets.com Friday February 7 - 8pm
Saturday February 8 - 2pm & 8pm Howard County Arts Center 8510 High Bridge Road - Ellicott City, MD 21043 |
Cast MembersJeffrey Robert (Frank)
Aamer Alamgir(Roger) DeAtley Barish (Kathleen) Margot Chappell (Sandra) Oroma Igwe (Male Brain) Leilani Cartledge (Female Brain) |